Monika Hilm

Monika Hilm

Monika Hilm ČAPPO
Monika Hilm, Regional Director Vienna House Czech Republic & Slovakia

Networking breakfast followed by a workshop:

Happiness at work – Put your people first

                   (v angličtině)

Are you happy at work? Do you think your staff is happy at work? Have you ever asked them? Monika Hilm will share her knowledge and experience how to put your people first and find you that the rest will follow.

Venue: Vienna House Diplomat Prague.

Date: TBA                                     

The capacity of the workshop is limited. A rich breakfast is included in the registration fee. The workshop will be available online too.

Monika Hilm has been working in the hotel industry since 1999. She started her career with Hilton Hotels, where she worked for 13 years, and which brought her via London, Bucharest, Athens, Vienna and Copenhagen to Hilton Prague Old Town. After leaving Hilton Worldwide in 2012, Monika became a regional general manager for Daramis; managing Parkhotel Praha, Hotel Rehavital and Villa Schwaiger. During her years in leadership she has had many opportunity to put her theories that happy employees do a better job to the test by setting great examples of how to treat people with respect and fairness, so that they feel safe and are able to give their best. A leaders role is that of a supporter, mentor and coach to all colleagues she says. 

Monika founded the Happiness at work conference in Prague in 2015, which as grown to become the largest conference on the topic in Europe. 

In 2017 Monika published her book sharing hers and other leaders experiences on how the fairness and happiness leads to better results. Her book “Put Your People First and the Rest Will Follow” has sold in more than 15 countries. 

Monika has a Bachelor of Science (Hons) from Oxford Brookes University in Hotel Management, as well as a Business Administration degree from American College, Singapore. In addition to her mother tongue, being Swedish, she is fluent in English, Danish and German. Monika has been living in the Czech Republic for 11 years, together with her husband and two children.